“I’m so proud and pleased to see this campaign come to a successful conclusion. We’ve worked hard with the University to promote a culture of educational equity and fairness among everyone at Leeds, and removing resit fees was the natural next campaign. I’ve been happy to see the willingness to this change from everyone involved, and I understand how big of an impact this will have on students.”- Bethan Corner, Education Officer
During the process of negotiations, LUU conducted research into 17 different universities across the country on their policies around resit fees. It was found that 11 of those universities do not charge their students to resit – including Durham, Edinburgh, and Manchester.
“By removing resit fees, Leeds is prioritising the development of students, improving learning opportunities and becoming more inclusive. It will alleviate some of the financial stress students are going through during the cost-of-living crisis as for a lot of students who resit modules this is a huge unexpected cost.” – Bethan Corner, Education Officer
We are pleased to see this example of student voice in action, and we encourage you to continue speaking out about issues that matter to you. LUU is here to represent your academic interests, so do stay in touch!
The University have some FAQs to answer any questions, including around refunds for January resits.