Welcome to Leeds University Union
Located at the heart of campus, Leeds University Union (LUU) is your Students’ Union.
This is a student-led organisation where you can make friends, fuel your passions, gain new skills and experiences, and have fun. Led by Executive Officers elected by students, and with student voice at the heart of every decision, your Union is independent to the University, here to represent you and ensure that you love your time at Leeds.
With lots of study spaces, cafes and bars, a wide range of events, and with more than 300 clubs and societies to choose from, you’re sure to find something to do at LUU. You have access to opportunities to feel celebrated, empowered and supported, with cultural and liberation campaigns, feedback and discussion forums, and student-led projects. There is independent and confidential advice available at the LUU Help & Support team, and plenty of part-time jobs to pick up some skills for your CV.
What is a union?
A students’ union is an independent organisation that exists to represent students and their interests to the university, as well as on a local and national scale, giving them a voice on the things that matter to them.
LUU is a not-for-profit charity run by members (students), for members. LUU is run by six student Exec Officers who are elected each year by the members of the Union, and supported by a team of dedicated staff. Our charitable status means that every penny of profit we make goes straight back into improving things for the students.
Any student at the University of Leeds can join us – opt-in during registration, or email the team here.
Financial transparency
At LUU, as a member-run organisation, we place lots of importance on being transparent. This is your Union, and it’s important for our members to be able to discover where our money comes from, as well as where it’s spent.
Our membership with the NUS
LUU is a member of the National Union of Students (NUS), which enables us to be involved in student movements on a national scale. You might know NUS as the place to get a TOTUM Card and sort out your student discount, but they’re also a large member-led campaigning organisation.
Twelve NUS delegates are elected at LUU every year, and everyone can run to join the panel. Being an NUS delegate is a great opportunity to meet students from across the country and to shape the student experience on a national level – they get to participate at a yearly NUS conference to decide its priorities for the year ahead.
Our partnership with the University of Leeds
LUU has joined forces with the University of Leeds to create The Leeds Partnership – bringing together students and staff to agree a set of shared expectations around the Leeds learning experience.