Marjorie and Arnold Ziff Building update
The University has today communicated changes at the Ziff building, specifically about the closing of the Student Information Point and changing the arrangements for student support appointments.
As your Student Exec, we have already received a number of concerns about what the proposed changes will mean for students, as the changes may disproportionately affect those from marginalised backgrounds.
We recognise the particular value of a safe and supportive environment for marginalised students which enables them to feel part of a community at Leeds. It is of paramount importance that students are consulted throughout their education and treated as partners in the delivery of services.
We are sharing our thoughts and your feedback about these changes with the University and are speaking with them to confirm what this means for affected students and the timetable for change.
We will keep you updated as soon as we have more information to share.
If you’d like to get in touch with us directly, please contact us.
Bethan Corner, Education Officer
Ella Williams, Activities & Opportunities Officer
Emily Tabern, Wellbeing Officer
Haryati Mohammed, Equality & Liberation Officer
Maria Papageorgiou, Union Affairs & Communications Officer
Vicky Zhuo, International & Postgraduate Officer