Two young women take a selfie together

16 Days of Action: A Reflection

25 November marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls. This date was selected by the United Nations General Assembly in honour of the three Mirabal sisters. The sisters, also known as ‘the butterflies’ were political activists in the Dominican Republic, whose 1960 assassination was ordered by Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo in response to their powerful opposition to the oppressive regime of the time. Their commitment to their cause made them prominent symbols of democratic and feminist resistance.

25 November also signified the beginning of the 16 Days of Action Against Gender-Based Violence. LUU and other stakeholders across the city marked the period with a variety of activities to bring attention to the importance of treating women’s safety as a priority.

This is a reflection of the campaign by your Wellbeing Officer Emily Tabern.