What you need to know if you decide to withhold rent payments:
- It is a breach of your contract to withhold any or all of your rent because you dispute what you feel you should have to pay. The University or private landlord can take you to court to claim any money they feel you owe. They can also add on any additional costs such as admin fees, reasonable legal fees and court costs.
- The University/landlord has to take you to court to force you to leave your room/property (evict you) they can’t simple change the locks or demand that you leave without getting a court order first.
- If you choose to take part in a rent strike/withhold payments you need to explain why (in writing) and ensure you put the money into a separate holding account, so you have all/part of the money available once the dispute is settled or a court demands you pay (if it gets that far).
- You need to tell the University/landlord why you feel you are owed money/shouldn’t have to pay. Being part of a larger dispute involving others can be helpful, but if the case does go to court it will be you and/or your guarantor who will have to explain why you personally shouldn’t have to pay and why it is the fault of the University/landlord.
Quick checklist if you choose to withhold rent:
- Put your intentions in writing (email is fine) to the Accommodation Office (University rentals), your landlord/agency (if private rental).
- State why you are withholding rent and what action you want them to take to resolve the issue.
- Say that the rent money has been put into a separate holding account as you are raising a dispute rather than not simply not wanting to pay.
- Say why you feel rent is owed, e.g. why the quality of accommodation, level of facilities, service have been impacted or if you haven’t been able to move in and it is the fault of the Univ or Landlord.
If you are struggling cover your rent payments because of the impact of loss of work, family income support etc, get in touch with LUU advice as we may able to help via the Emergency Hardship Funds. This fund is open to any student (including EU and International) and any level of study. It covers essential costs such as rent, food and study related expenses. Decisions are usually made within 48 hours of an application made. Just email us at advice@luu.leeds.ac.uk or call 0113 3801400.