The policy seeks to ensure that the Close Circuit Television (CCTV) system used at Leeds University Union (LUU) is operated in compliance with the law relating to data protection (currently the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (“DPA 2018”). It also takes into account best practice as set out in codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner and by the Home Office.
More information on LUU’s privacy law compliance with respect to individuals can be found within the policy.
LUU is processing individual data using CCTV under the legitimate interest legal base. We seek to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the security and safety of all students, staff, visitors, contractors, its property and premises.
The Union has a camera surveillance system, with a governing policy.
The system covers most of the main internal areas and some of the external areas of the Union building, and records 24 hours a day. We’ve placed signage at our building entrances to alert people to the cameras.
CCTV is used to:
- Promote a safe LUU community and to monitor the safety and security of its premises;
- Assist in the prevention, investigation and detection of crime;
- Assist in the apprehension and prosecution of offenders, including using images as evidence in criminal proceedings; and
- Assist in the investigation of breaches of its codes of conduct and policies by staff, students and contractors and where relevant, appropriately investigate complaints.